About Us

Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay, Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Section has just over 300 members, concentrated mainly in the Milwaukee, Madison, and Green Bay areas. We have 10 to 20 events every year, including a biannual autocross, spring and fall rallies, car shows, drive 'n' dine events, technical sessions, social events like the Christmas party, and occasional road trips.

The Milwaukee section of the Mercedes-Benz club was born shortly after the merger of the club from New Jersey, and the Mercedes club in Chicago. The merger took place on April 21st of 1959, and sometime later in 1959 the Milwaukee members decided to start their own official section.

The history of the Milwaukee section (now Wisconsin section) is linked to one early member. Lothar Altmann, MBCA's longest surviving member, was the service manager for Mercedes cars at Burnham Motors (later Daum Motor Sales). Lothar was a master mechanic who had joined the Chicago club on Feb. 9, 1956, before the merger. Early members were Lothar, Gerry Daum, Harger Dodge, David Fee, and others, comprising a group of about 15 Benz owners. The first events were merely picnics in a park along the Milwaukee river in Cedarburg.