About Us

Newark, New Jersey

“The First Section” The Northern New Jersey Section (NNJS) is the first and founding section of Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Dr. Milton Allen, along with other far-sighted pioneers, originally incorporated MBCA in 1956 at Summit, NJ.

Mercedes-Benz USA headquarters, located in Montvale, NJ is the site of the annual June Jamboree sponsored by our section for the past 47 years. It is the longest running national event in the club.

NNJS is an active section, with sponsored events being held at least on a monthly basis. Our members enjoy Concours and Popular Vote Car Shows, Road Rallies, Oktoberfest and the Annual Picnic at Falkenhorst in Hopewell, NJ. We also run Tech Sessions, Driving Events and Safety Seminars. We offer activities as varied as an annual Antiques Road Show and participating in Go-Karting at the New Jersey Motor Park.

Get the most out of your section membership. Join us each month for a rewarding day filled with fun.