About Us

Richmond, Fredericksburg, Charlottesville, Roanoke Virginia

Members of the Central Virginia Section are as diverse as the cars we drive. Included in our line up are beautiful 1960s 190SLs and the more recent C-class, E-class, S-class as well as a few SL550s. We enjoy a variety of great events such as winery tours, picnics on the Rivah, garden tours, tours of historic homes and Tech Session events.

For example, we recently enjoyed a picnic at the Rappahannock river where we made hand cranked ice cream and 'smores. Our members are friendly to newcomers and knowledgeable when it comes to car repair or having a contact to pass along. We have a great group of people that attend our events and would welcome visitors and new members to share in the good times we have. The more we are together the more knowledge is transferred to the newbie's and they can have confidence when going under the hood of their car.