This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other St. Louis Gateway events.

Event Details

On Sunday, May 19th, SLGS members, Ed and Tina Knoll, will be hosting an Event for us to Not-Be-Missed. They have invited us to visit the Farm that they own with their sons, Fritz and Alex, also members of our Club. The address for the Farm is 3524 Hern Drive, Fults, Illinois and is located between Fults and Maeystown, Illinois.

Located on the Farm is a restored 1900 New York Central wooden caboose that is actually livable, with AC, heat, kitchen, shower, etc. There is also a fishing lake and a shooting range. top things off, Fritz has a retired German Anti-Tank helicopter. It is a Red Bull twin-engine Messerschmidt Bolkow Blohm BO-105 P1M, which actually carried six missiles. The Knolls will be providing attendees with a lunch and for those interested, rides with Fritz in his helicopter! Arrival time will be mid to late morning, but specific further details will be included inupcoming email blasts, as we get closer to the event.

Cost is $18/person and checks, made out to: "MBCA, St. Louis Gateway Section", are to be mailed to Ed Knoll at 11 Lindworth Lane, Ladue, MO 63124. RSVP NOW to Ed at 314-749-2105 or
