Event Details

This is another event that you won't want to miss! St. Louis Gateway Section member and Chairman/CEO of Hunter Engineering Company, Steve Brauer, has graciously invited us to visit and view his extensive collection of prewar cars (1903 thru post war 1994).

Many of these carshave been award winners in prestigious shows like Pebble Beach. Mr. Brauer's collection also includes memorabilia such as mascot collections, grille badges, and hood ornaments. Join us promptly on Wednesday, July 17th, at 3:30 p.m. at Building D on theHunter Engineering Company property, 11250 Hunter Drive, St. Louis.

As you would expect, we are very fortunate to be invited to view this wonderful collection. As such, the policies in place are somewhat stringent, to assure that strangers not affiliated with the St. Louis Gateway Section do not wander in and join our group. We will be preparing nametags for ALL members who have provided an RSVP to the event. Maps will also be forwarded to those who have RSVP'd.

For those interested, when we finish the tour at approximately 5:00 pm, we will go to dinner at the Trainwreck Saloon in Westport at 314 Westport Plaza Drive.


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