Mile High
Denver, Colorado
The Mile High Section (MHS) of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA) was first chartered in 1960 and currently has over 440 members throughout Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Western Nebraska. We attempt to hold about 12 events a year ranging from social gatherings and charity events to technical sessions, track events, rallies and car shows.
All Mile High Section members receive the Constellation, our award winning monthly newsletter. It is packed with event information, articles and classified ads. All members also receive MBCA's national publication, The STAR, with great articles on Mercedes, past and present, the latest club news as well as the latest information from Mercedes-Benz.
The club is always looking for members to help with and sponsor events. Your time will be appreciated by a lot of your fellow MBCA members.
We welcome you to come visit us at one of our events.