Event Details

Once again, the Executive Director of Oakland Aviation Museum (OAM), Ian Wright has generously invited the Mercedes-Benz Club SF Bay Area Chapter to an Open Cockpit event on Father's Day, June 16th, 2024. OAM has requested us to display 10 Mercedes-Benz cars (preferably Vintage and Classics, but ANY clean Mercedes-Benz is fine) under the wings of Vintage airplanes. Everyone who displays their cars will get a voucher for complementary lunch of BBQ hamburgers or hotdogs, plus chips and a soft drink. The lunch is sponsored by the Rotary Club.

If you would like to display your car, please email Janet Welter (jgw105@aol.com) with the Year, Model and Color of your car. You would need to arrive at 9:30 AM and stay until about 3:30 PM that day. Volunteers will be there to assist you when you arrive.

OAM Open Cockpit is a great event for all family and generally very well attended.

OAM is located next to Oakland Airport at 8252 Earhart Rd, Bldg 621, Oakland CA 94621


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